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Getting started with git

Use modelbit clone to clone the git repository to your local machine.


Don't use git clone with Modelbit workspaces. Using modelbit clone ensures your local repo is configured to work with Modelbit.

Cloning, pushing and pulling

Use the modelbit package and modelbit clone to clone your workspace's git repository:

pip install modelbit
modelbit clone

Once you have cloned the repository, all git commands including git pull, git push, and branch-related commands work as normal. Use git pull to pull down the latest changes, and git commit and git push to check in changes.

Adding a SSH key

Calling modelbit clone will upload your SSH public key. If you want to generate and upload a new key use ssh-keygen:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk -C "<comment>"

In Modelbit, open Settings and under User Settings click SSH Keys.

Then click Add Key in Modelbit. In the form, copy the contents of your key (e.g. ~/.ssh/ into the Key box and give it a nickname like "Harry's Windows Box". Click Add Key to save your SSH key in Modelbit.

For more help on generating SSH keys, see GitHub's SSH key documentation.