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API reference

Python API

Parameter reference for all methods in the Modelbit Python package. These functions are called on the modelbit module (e.g. import modelbit) or on the logged in instance (e.g. mb = modelbit.login()).



Inference-time helpers

Deployment settings

Training jobs

Model Registry

Common files & packages

Git Branches


Command line interface (CLI)

CLI reference for interacting with modelbit on the command line. The CLI is installed as part of the Modelbit Python package.

  • add_common_files: Link files in common into your deployment
  • clone: Configures and clones a git repository of your workspace
  • deployment: Manage deployments
  • model: Manage file-based models in the model registry
  • package: Add private packages to your Modelbit workspace
  • validate: Check for missing files or configuration files in your deployments
  • version: Return the version of the currently installed modelbit package