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modelbit clone [dirName]

Creates and configures a git repository of your Modelbit workspace. Learn more about using git with Modelbit.


Don't use git clone with Modelbit workspaces. Using modelbit clone ensures your local repo is configured to work with Modelbit.


  • [dirName]: Optional. Specify the name of the directory to use when creating the repository. Defaults to the name of your workspace.


Clone your modelbit workspace

This command clones your Modelbit repository into a new directory, named after your workspace.

modelbit clone

Clone into the my_workspace directory

This will clone your Modelbit repository into the my_workspace directory.

modelbit clone my_workspace

Using GitHub/Gitlab as the origin

Modelbit maintains the git repository backing your workspace. By default, modelbit clone will use Modelbit's repository as the origin for your local repository.

Connecting an external origin like GitHub or Gitlab to Modelbit allows Modelbit to track and maintain changes in that repo so you can perform code reviews and run CI/CD processes like your other git repositories. There's no need to change your origin to GitHub/Gitlab after connecting a repository to Modelbit.

If you're not sure...

If you're not sure, just ignore this section and continue using Modelbit as the origin when interacting with Modelbit via git.

However, if you need to use GitHub/Gitlab as your local origin, pass the --origin flag to modelbit clone:

modelbit clone --origin github

See also