Snowflake setup
We recommend creating a separate user and role for Modelbit.
Create a user for Modelbit
Start by creating a new role:
create role modelbit_role;
Create a user and assign it the new role:
create user modelbit_user
password='<choose a password>'
default_role = modelbit_role
must_change_password = false;
grant role modelbit_role to user modelbit_user;
Grant usage on your warehouse and schema, and select on any tables you want to use with Modelbit:
grant usage on warehouse WAREHOUSE_NAME to role modelbit_role;
grant usage on database DB_NAME to role modelbit_role;
grant usage on schema SCHEMA_NAME to role modelbit_role;
grant select on table TABLE_NAME to role modelbit_role;
Use this newly created user in the Snowflake warehouse connection wizard. If you also want to call deployments from Snowflake, configure Snowflake to call your deployments.
If your Snowflake warehouse requires MFA for all users, you'll need to use key-pair authentication with Modelbit.