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mb.add_models(models, ...)

Adds one or more models to the model registry. The registry is updated with the new model if a an entry with that name already exists.


  • models: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] A dictionary of { modelName: modelVariable }. The keys of the dictionary must be strings. The values are the models to store. The values are Python variables, not paths to .pkl files. Required unless using the files= parameter.
  • files: Optional[Dict[str, str]] A dictionary of { modelName: pathToModelFile }. The keys and values of the dictionary must be strings, and the values must be filepaths to local model files. Use this for file-based models instead of models=
  • metrics: Optional[str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] Optional, the metrics to associate with the models getting added. Like the models parameter, the metrics parameter is a dictionary of { modelName: metricsDict }. Metrics must be JSON-serializable with str values for keys.
  • serializer: Optional["cloudpickle"] Optional, specify a different serializer to use. Default value is None which uses the pickle module. This setting applies to all models in this call. Learn mode


No value is returned. A success status message is printed if the command is successful.


Adding a model

mb.add_models({ "example_model": my_model })

Adding multiple models

mb.add_models({ "example_model": my_model, "another_model": other_model })

Adding multiple model to the "finance" directory

mb.add_models({ "finance/example_model": my_model, "finance/another_model": other_model })

Adding file-based models

mb.add_models(files={ "my_model": "path/to/model.gguf" })

Adding multiple models with metrics

"example_model": my_model,
"another_model": other_model
"example_model": { "precision": 0.95 },
"another_model": { "precision": 0.80 }

Adding multiple models with cloudpickle

mb.add_models({ "example_model": my_model, "another_model": other_model }, serializer="cloudpickle")

See also