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modelbit package {action}

Manage the private packages in your workspace. Learn more about private packages.

These actions affect the packages on the current branch.


  • {action}: Can be one of list, add, or delete
  • --branch or -b: Optional. Sets the git branch for the command. If run from outside of a Modelbit git directory the default value is main. If run from within a Modelbit git directory then the current branch is used.


Listing private packages

modelbit package list

To list packages on a specific branch:

modelbit package list --branch=my-branch

Add a private package

modelbit package add path/to/my/wheel.whl

To overwrite an existing package, add --force:

modelbit package add --force path/to/my/wheel.whl

To add the package to a different branch:

modelbit package add path/to/my/wheel.whl --branch=my-branch

Delete a private package

modelbit package delete {package-name} {package-version}

For example, deleting my-package==1.2.3:

modelbit package delete my-package 1.2.3

To delete the same package on a branch:

modelbit package delete my-package 1.2.3 --branch=my-branch

See also